Friday, August 21, 2015

Its a good thing my horse is cute

Seriously, how adorable is that face?? Though that black thing is the side lights that have been pulled up and destroyed by these two imps. I really still don't know what I'm up to with this riding lark. Its all pretty disheartening, I see so much ugly around me all the time. I just find its so frustrating seeing horses sold into inappropriate homes and then its the horse and the new owner that both suffer. Especially when the old owner should know better. I know of one four year old that was sold with arthritic knees to a home that didn't have the knowledge to see when the horse was uneven, and so doomed the horse to ongoing suffering.

I keep thinking I'll sell my horse, but he's somehow still here. He's everything I ever wanted in a jumper only 5 years ago. The only horse I really want to ride, is to go eventing on my big ugly munted chestnut mate, and I really need to get over that and move on. Tsar is cool though, he's a pretty pretty mover, and he has plenty of scope and he wants to be careful. I'm so rusty though and frustrated at my utter lack of facilities (It's literally just a paddock). Still I'm lucky to have that and it's not that bad provided I remember to control the outside shoulder. Nothing like a huge open paddock to encourage horses to fall out through the shoulder.

Enough. This is my last moan. The banner of this blog is I will jump sweet jumps. What happened to that enthusiasm and determination. It used to be all I wanted but honestly I guess I feel like I'm not good enough and I'll never get there. (I would still love to jump 1.30m one day, but it would be nice to jump amateurs again in the next couple of seasons) Having a horse is a privilege not a right, and having a nice horse is a huge privilege. I'm not sure if he'll event though, he isnt very brave but surely if I start really really low??? XC training in two weeks so we'll see I guess. Anyway, enjoy these snippets of my absolute goober of a pony.

He's a chatty wee pony, but he is really feeling his oats at the moment (he doesn't actually get feed oats, it's just Spring starting).