Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Just shoot me now

I'm not sure where I've fucked up here but I really have. Though to be fair we can now canter through the poles and then go back and then trot them. I'm nt sure how I've got from jumping 3 ft courses easily back to trotting poles. And the more poles I trot the more scared j am to jump. Bollocksy bollocksy bollocks. I give up. Until tomorrow anyway.


  1. Ground poles 4 lyfe!!! Just kidding, tomorrow will be better!

  2. Anxiety is such a fickle beast. Don't forget you are a BAMF!

  3. Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. Best of luck to you.

  4. Fear is such a nebulous thing! Sorry to hear you're so frustrated

  5. Don't give up! I spent all summer shaking in my boots about the teeniest of jumps, feeling like novice was literally impossible and every single person ever was better at jumping than me. Now I'm dreaming about novice, and training, and beyond again. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  6. Hey now, we've all been there! Don't get too down on yourself. You're still a badass
