Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wairarapa A&P Show- Day 1

Ahh a good day. Have I ever said how much I don't like the local shows?? So much petty political bollocks. Mostly I miss it because I'm a nobody but as I improve I'm sure that will change. Already I learn a lot about myself from the gossip mill. Apparently I only do the occasional show and don't really follow the circuit. Say what? I've been everywhere and the season has only been going 8 weeks.

Anyway Rascal was bucking in the warm-up and spooking and by the time I got her working ok her class had closed. Boo! But really a little glad. Should have had her in the earlier smaller class anyway and would have had more time. But with milking I try to do the later classes so I actually get to them. I was rushed getting to Kate and arrived at the ring in a bit of a tizz. Had I mentioned that she has been sound? no abscess, a puncture wound that is healing really quickly. I over rode the first fence and had a rail, mostly because she was so spooky at he practice fence. Then had a really nice canter down to fence 2 and popped over and breathed this huge sigh of relief and though " It's Kate, no panic" And then she jumped super. Bless.

Connie came out slightly mad and the ground is hard s she may not do the whole show because of them all she feels the ground. Jumped super though. Gave her a much better ride than Kate and had a really lovely smooth clear round. Totally vindicated myself about how if you focus on the canter and doing the job, the smoothness just happens on it's own. 2 rails in the jump-off. Everytime I try turn her tight I lose the canter and get a poppy jump so really need to work on that. She was super down the double though and felt really good. so Kate and Connie can be fed tonight and Rascal I will just hiss at. I kid! I kid! Poor old Rascal she will be better tomorrow.


  1. gosh I so know what you mean about loacl show politics .....why I'm just hacking round the farm now. I just couldn't be bothered with it!!!. But you are younger and dont have kids to weigh you down so stick at it and keep going!!!.

  2. I'm forever impressed that you can take three horses to a show and stay sane. One is way too many for me. I can't imagine doing three.

  3. "Kate and Connie can be fed tonight and Rascal I will just hiss at"

    ha ha ha ha!!!

  4. Good work Beckz! Thankfully I've never made anything of splash so I haven't been talked about. Hopefully it doesn't get vicious!
