Ok so Kates swollen fetlock is a sprained ligament in the front of her back fetlock and so she is going to be out for a little while unfortunately. And she misses Taupo again. That's a real boo hiss. The swelling is starting to go down though, slowly but surely. She is a pretty unhappy mare though.
Bill has been getting plenty of work. I missed taking her to the little show because Truckie is in the garage getting some repairs on the exhaust. Still bill has been out on a road ride and a proper trek over the hills and I gave her a good ride the other day. First time I rode her in spurs but it helped her understand because it was my first day of teaching her to move off of the inside leg and into the outside hand. Once she figured out what I was asking she marched around nicely on the contact and then I did lots of trotting and cantering as well. It was the first time I ever felt the TB side of her ancestry, but she was super forward which was nice really. She is a lovely mover.
Connie feels ok. I'm not sure that she is 100%, but I'm sure she will let me know if she is happy jumping or not. And Rascal has been working quite nicely too so really bar Kates injury everything is on track.
Also Kippen, what I need know to get to the next level is mostly just ring time. Lots and lots of rounds.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Addressing a comment
Here's a question for you. You want to make a life out of show jumping, but have you planned what sort of life you ultimately hope for if all goes well? I don't want to stomp on your feelings, but at the moment it all comes across as being a very nice young woman doing some show jumping with her nice horses. An expensive hobby and not a career. This is something that I really do want you to think about.
I want to address this comment and I meant to do it a while ago, and Kippen really doesn't have to apologise for it but I do realise I have never really addressed this. As I said in the post before I'm not looking beyond the end of this season really because I was so close to quitting last season I just need to get through and figure out what I'm capable of.
At the moment yes, showjumping is a very expensive hobby that I take part in, but it has been my choice to do it this way. I have several friends that ride of a similar level as e try and run horse businesses with lessons and training, and they all go under. The only one who isn't, rides World cup and Grand Prix level, and she is still struggling to keep her head above water. The Showjumping world is so small in NZ that everyone really already knows everyone. I don't have the reputation yet to get business sent my way.
So I work so that I can ride. This has given me the freedom to pay the $600 it costs me to run two horses through a two day Cashmore clinic, something I couldn't afford if I was doing horses as my sole income earner. I don't have the facilities to bring other peoples horses here either. Believe me I have looked at some properties for lease really seriously, but when my partner left, that became no longer a viable option.
Currently then, if I do decide to stay Showjumping and get more serious about it, I would like to wait until I'm consistent at the 1.25m-1.30m level and take on some schoolers and lessons and see how it goes, rather than just keeping straight in with out any thought for how I'm going to afford it all. For now though I'm making enough progress to keep myself happy, ticking along as I am.
I want to address this comment and I meant to do it a while ago, and Kippen really doesn't have to apologise for it but I do realise I have never really addressed this. As I said in the post before I'm not looking beyond the end of this season really because I was so close to quitting last season I just need to get through and figure out what I'm capable of.
At the moment yes, showjumping is a very expensive hobby that I take part in, but it has been my choice to do it this way. I have several friends that ride of a similar level as e try and run horse businesses with lessons and training, and they all go under. The only one who isn't, rides World cup and Grand Prix level, and she is still struggling to keep her head above water. The Showjumping world is so small in NZ that everyone really already knows everyone. I don't have the reputation yet to get business sent my way.
So I work so that I can ride. This has given me the freedom to pay the $600 it costs me to run two horses through a two day Cashmore clinic, something I couldn't afford if I was doing horses as my sole income earner. I don't have the facilities to bring other peoples horses here either. Believe me I have looked at some properties for lease really seriously, but when my partner left, that became no longer a viable option.
Currently then, if I do decide to stay Showjumping and get more serious about it, I would like to wait until I'm consistent at the 1.25m-1.30m level and take on some schoolers and lessons and see how it goes, rather than just keeping straight in with out any thought for how I'm going to afford it all. For now though I'm making enough progress to keep myself happy, ticking along as I am.
Monday, December 6, 2010
I was asked about goals because we all know that the key to success is having good goals. You know intelligent, attainable, measurable goals. I do always have goals. I normally go out and ride with a goal in mind for each horse. Mostly it's getting them fitter or getting them working softly and round, improving lightness to the aids or relaxation. Just something. Normally it's something pretty simple- I tend to school until I get the feeling I want and then call it a day.
On the slightly longer term, I would like to jump some clear rounds in the Amateur classes with Connie and Kate and compete in the Amateur class at the Horse of the Year show and perhaps jump some 1.25m classes on either of them providing the season continues to go well and I can get Connie really sound again. Bill, I want to get out to a few shows and then I will probably hunt her. Rascal I want to find a job she likes doing and then sell her to someone who wants a nice little horse for that job.
Normally I have longer term goals as well but this season I don't. It's for a specific reason- I don't know whats going to happen. It all comes down to this season really. Last year I went crazy and blew the whole season with the depression malarky, so I really set myself back a season. I'm 25 already and the longer I spend out of the proper workforce or furthering my education, the less likely it is that I'll get a good career and a house and that sort of thing. On the flip side, it's my dream and I love the showjumping. So this season is a litmus test. I'm not worrying about next year until after HOY is over and then I will sit down and think very hard about my life and the other aspects and then I'll decide where to from there. Though honestly if I can continue with the progress I have made so far it will be really hard to leave.
And to whom made the comment about the size of the fences, it comes down to the horse really. One day the look really impossibly huge and then you practice and have a good horse and suddenly it looks possible and you can just do it. Believe me on Bill 50cm looks humungous, as does 1m on Rascal, while on Connie and Kate 1.20m is doable.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Ticking along
So I have been riding and ticking along. Desperately need some rain soon, but not much I can do about that. Connie I have worked twice since the clinic where we found she has jarred up and she feels pretty good so hopefully that continues. To help with the jarring up I want to work her in the river 2-3 times a week. Unfortunately my swimming hole has gotten very shallow but upstream I found a section with a sand base that's about 40m long and over chest deep so we wade up and down there. I don't know if it will even work but it's great resistance training and she loves splashing. I wore a face full of water once when she got very accurate with her splashing.
Bill had her first proper steep hill ride to the top of the farm and deported herself very well, especially as there were plenty of motorbikes on the road and the like. They are going really well, all things considered. Hopefully a show for Rascal and Bill next weekend. Then it's Taupo Christmas Classic with Connie and Kate. My health is slowly recovering and it's all sort of coming together.
Bill had her first proper steep hill ride to the top of the farm and deported herself very well, especially as there were plenty of motorbikes on the road and the like. They are going really well, all things considered. Hopefully a show for Rascal and Bill next weekend. Then it's Taupo Christmas Classic with Connie and Kate. My health is slowly recovering and it's all sort of coming together.
Monday, November 29, 2010
North Island championships in Foxton

So after the clinic I decided to have a somewhat cruisy show and just take Kate to the Champs in Foxton, which was a lovely idea because it really was cruisy, even though I did get a bit bored once I had finished my novel. The first class was a 1.10m class and there were lots of spooky things in it, so I was glad it was only 1.10 class. The whole maintaining the contact really made her bold to these spooky fences, so I didn't have to worry so much anymore. I had the the back rail of the oxer at the first fence, which was a bit of a shame because it was a very cheap rail.

The next day I was entered in the 1.15m speed class and I figured if I was going to donate at 1.15m I might as well donate in the 1.20m class so I changed into that class instead. She jumped really well, but i thought she had had the very first fence again. She jumps e around at this height a bit too so I felt unsteady in the saddle at times but apparently it looked fine so there you go. So then i had to go into the jump-off but I didn't know I had gotten through so the bell really surprised me and I got all flustered and stupid. Had a rail at the first because my canter was average and so I retired because we weren't going to improve from there to be honest. Still I was rapt to jump a clear at 1.20m.

The amateur track was actually smaller than I thought it would be seeing at is was a championship class and worth double points. That meant of the 40 starters there were 20 clears so the chances of me placing weren't all that great anyway. Still she jumped well over a relatively technical track, and I just jumped her too big into the second double and had my eighth four fault amateur round so far this season. Boo Hiss. Still I can't complain because I'm still so green at this level.

And now everything has caught up with me and I'm very sick. boo!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cashmore clinic
We picked p a clinic with Grant on the Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. It was a bit of a tough grind with Dad out. I had to be up at 4 the second morning and worked until 12 when I headed off to my mates to meet up with my horses who had stayed overnight and travel to Upper Hutt to ride at Thompsons for the clinic. The surface there isn't as good as it used to be. It shifts alot and after a few jumps you can end up landing on the base. I didn't get to bed until 10.40 :(
The first day was quite good. Grant rode Connie because she was incredibly fussy in the bridle and just not herself. He got some really nice work out of her because she was still very sensitive and very hot which is unlike her. The next day she was better but completely unable to collect and frustratingly not herself at all. Grant was saying that as my trainer sometimes you have to just a sack a horse. I pointed out that at the last of the winter clinics I basically had it and he had been very impressed. When I thought about it, the fussiness in the bridle started the second day at Central Hawkes Bay. So out came the hoof testers, and after testing and palpating and trotting on the lunge and flexioning we (Well Grant really, he has an incredible eye for a horse being off) decided she was jarred up from the hard ground. This happened a bit last season as well. So Connie missed the show this weekend and she gets her shoes re-fitted this coming week and the farrier and I are going to look at options to keep her more comfortable, and get her back in the ring for Taupo. I made Grant revoke his statement about sacking her!
Kate jumped really well. I learned something really key there. When I'm jumping a spooky fence of her I'm throwing my reins at her and in doing so I'm throwing away the connection and scaring her. This is a key point. something simple, but something I lost by trying to ride hard at spooky fences. When I maintain the connection, she isn't scared anymore anyway and jumps more confidently. Had a very hairy moment when my rubber snaffle snapped in half, which panicked Kate and we did a lap around the arena full tilt. I tried to pull her up from her noseband but she wasn't listening. Eventually she stopped and I just burst out adrenaline laughing. Phew it was a little scary though.
The first day was quite good. Grant rode Connie because she was incredibly fussy in the bridle and just not herself. He got some really nice work out of her because she was still very sensitive and very hot which is unlike her. The next day she was better but completely unable to collect and frustratingly not herself at all. Grant was saying that as my trainer sometimes you have to just a sack a horse. I pointed out that at the last of the winter clinics I basically had it and he had been very impressed. When I thought about it, the fussiness in the bridle started the second day at Central Hawkes Bay. So out came the hoof testers, and after testing and palpating and trotting on the lunge and flexioning we (Well Grant really, he has an incredible eye for a horse being off) decided she was jarred up from the hard ground. This happened a bit last season as well. So Connie missed the show this weekend and she gets her shoes re-fitted this coming week and the farrier and I are going to look at options to keep her more comfortable, and get her back in the ring for Taupo. I made Grant revoke his statement about sacking her!
Kate jumped really well. I learned something really key there. When I'm jumping a spooky fence of her I'm throwing my reins at her and in doing so I'm throwing away the connection and scaring her. This is a key point. something simple, but something I lost by trying to ride hard at spooky fences. When I maintain the connection, she isn't scared anymore anyway and jumps more confidently. Had a very hairy moment when my rubber snaffle snapped in half, which panicked Kate and we did a lap around the arena full tilt. I tried to pull her up from her noseband but she wasn't listening. Eventually she stopped and I just burst out adrenaline laughing. Phew it was a little scary though.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Gladstone Sports
Every so often I get the idea that I should do flat classes. I hate flat classes, so I don't know why I get this idea or follow through with it. But anyway Rascal and I did the flat classes and she was actually quite good and I enjoyed riding her. She was second in the Maiden Hack and I was third in the rider class. I still hate dolly classes though.
Then Rascal had a practice round and I don't know what happened but she was so good. I have been collecting Es on her all season and last weekend had to hit her on take-off for nearly every fence. She never even hesitated, she wasn't slow off of the ground and she took the long distances and no chipping in. Weird! So she was clear in the 80cm and the 90cm.
Connie and Kate came out for the 1.10m class. This was Connies first 1.10m class and last year she won it, but I didn't defend my title. I went out on Kate first and was so casual and she ran out of the second fence. Lazy lazy lazy Becky. Poor old Kate being saddled with me. Connie felt really average and argumentative but was still double clear and we ended up second. I actually think we have all reached the point where 1.10m is too small, and we don't take it seriously enough. But I still don't know if I'm ready to stay committed to the bigger heights :(
A TMI issue but after a whole day of riding the old saddle sores are killing me again. They haven't really had a chance to heal properly with all these shows and riding. Boo hiss.
Then Rascal had a practice round and I don't know what happened but she was so good. I have been collecting Es on her all season and last weekend had to hit her on take-off for nearly every fence. She never even hesitated, she wasn't slow off of the ground and she took the long distances and no chipping in. Weird! So she was clear in the 80cm and the 90cm.
Connie and Kate came out for the 1.10m class. This was Connies first 1.10m class and last year she won it, but I didn't defend my title. I went out on Kate first and was so casual and she ran out of the second fence. Lazy lazy lazy Becky. Poor old Kate being saddled with me. Connie felt really average and argumentative but was still double clear and we ended up second. I actually think we have all reached the point where 1.10m is too small, and we don't take it seriously enough. But I still don't know if I'm ready to stay committed to the bigger heights :(
A TMI issue but after a whole day of riding the old saddle sores are killing me again. They haven't really had a chance to heal properly with all these shows and riding. Boo hiss.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The day you have all been waiting for.

This blog is quite old, if you add in the three years of blog I lost to spyware. In that time, like many aspiring showjumpers, I have often referred to my homebred hope for the future haha! My very own fancy warmblood. Well most people move faster than me, but finally at 6 years old, Bill jumped her first fences under saddle.

She was so good! She had little baby issues like leaving early, smashing down the little jumps. She got better when I clicked her off of the ground but thats not a habit I want to keep up. She has to figure it out for herself. The two fears I have jumping a baby are 1. landing in a buck or 2. freaking out when they knock rails. After a little canter I felt pretty confident she wouldn't buck and she really took it in her stride. Tomorrow she goes to a sports day the whole crew are going too for a look and a day spent at the truck. Maybe I'll even ride if I get brave. She was certainly very solid to ride and is really quite balanced. There is a real difference in the warmbloods, I can see why they are so popular. Already she has more collection in her canter than Connie had for 3 years, well we she turns anyway. Anyway, enjoy some pictures of a bumbling baby being jumped by a bumbling rider.

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Amateur Points
So when I refer to the amateur class, I'm talking about the Inverquantel amateur rider series classes. They range from 1.10m-1.20 and the points from your top 12 rounds count. You get 10 points for first, 8 for second, 6 for third, 4 for fourth, 2 for fifth and 1 for sixth. I have maybe 10 more amateur classes that I will get to unless I suck it up and go to Feilding. It's a rider series, so you have to nominate which horse you want to get points on and it's your results on that horse that count. You also have to ride the nominated horse first so you don't get the advantage of having jumped the course already.
Anyway, I really want points in the series and to get on the board as it were. If Connie was the horse that placed sixth at CHB then I should get a point, but not if it was Kate. So I was looking at the leaderboard and I'm already on it! I'm 62nd! It turns out I got a point with Kate at Gisborne, so I must have been like 7th or 8th and the horses that placed ahead of me must have been un-nominated horses. Woo! I'm on the board!
Anyway, I really want points in the series and to get on the board as it were. If Connie was the horse that placed sixth at CHB then I should get a point, but not if it was Kate. So I was looking at the leaderboard and I'm already on it! I'm 62nd! It turns out I got a point with Kate at Gisborne, so I must have been like 7th or 8th and the horses that placed ahead of me must have been un-nominated horses. Woo! I'm on the board!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Some pictures from CHB
Friday, November 12, 2010
Central Hawkes Bay A + P

Man it was freaking hot in Waipukarau this weekend, Summer has certainly arrived without warning. The first class out was the amateur and it was the first time I'd gone straight out into an Amateur class without jumping a smaller track in the same ring. It was a fairly big one, looking a lot like the 1.20m class the next day.
Connie went first as I nominated her after Kate stopping the weekend previously. She jumped super, giving lots of air to things, even jumping me around in the saddle a bit with the power she was leaving the ground with, and she never does that! I just had a rail at the first double, when Connie was somewhat tempted to opt out of the scary plank to oxer combination. Still I wasn't allowing that and she finished really well. She is just jumping so well, really jumping across her fences and using herself.
Kate was next, and I made a cock-up because I handed the bell boots to Kim, but never told her to put them on so unfortunately she did have an over reach injury when I finished. She also jumped really well. After the stops the weekend previous I was really on top of her spookiness, but she was never going to stop so it must have been the surface last week. She jumped really well as well, just had the rail in the other double when she closed down behind over the oxer and her back feet hit the back rail. Still no complaints from me. Four fault rounds, while frustrating, at least mean I'm right up there close to breaking through. And I was the fastest four faulter so I was actually 6th and have finally placed in an Amateur class! I'm not sure which horse to be honest, but if it was Connie I'll have one point in the aateur series :) I suspect it was Kate though who is a quicker horse.
Today I just had the 1.10 class, taking it easy if you will. Connie jumped really well, despite being strong. We had an argument about whether or not she should take the deeper spot to fence 7 and we punted that rail out. I should have just taken the longer one, but she should listen to me as well. Work to do there. She was so casual about this height, I suspect it's almost to small for her now.
On Kate I needed to work on getting a better ride to my verticals because I have been choking her a bit to them. In the first round I had a great ride, it was pretty much perfect haha, great rides to all of the uprights. Then I ruined in the jump-off by cutting too tight to an oxer and jumping ahead. She would have jumped if I sat up, but never mind, a small error. I need to practice jumping oxers at angles with her, because I don't know her tolerance for angles really.
I'm exhausted though, and I had decided to flag going over to Whanganui before I left central because I was just knackered and honestly a bit over the whole thing. I needed a break from showing and was very much looking forward to a sleep in tomorrow. I'll do gladstone sports hopefully next weekend and canter round the 1.10m class before North Islands in Foxton the following weekend where it's back to 1.15m and amateur classes. Alas, Whanganui was obviously not to be, as my Dad has some suspected broken ribs and is in hospital, after getting kneed at hockey which means I'm back to work tomorrow. Tough break.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thornton beach on our trip away. Thats Kate's ears and the tracks are from our previous rides.
2 months into the season and I'm already tired. I have never shown this hard, and I am concerned that perhaps I am pushing myself and the horses too hard. Though of course this is how I always wanted to show, on the circuit every weekend. The progress I have made over the winter and the start of the season has been unreal and really proven how confidence is such a big factor in showjumping. I'm technically no better of a rider than last season when I was stuck in the 1m classes, but because I think I can jump bigger I can. I haven't even jumped a 1m class this season, bar the one at Pukahu on Fido.
Connie is just jumping unreal, I know my parents are rapt. I have been teased so much about this horse, especially when she first came out, obese and ungainly and oh so reluctant to go forward, but now I hear all the time how nicely she is jumping and that's a really nice feeling. I have always known Connie is a good horse, because to me she feels like a good horse. I'm a bit disappointed with the stops on Kate and this general feeling that I don't ride her well enough, but Kate is bigger, more sensitive and more powerful. She doesn't forgive me my errors like Connie does but at the same tim she has covered my ass more than once, I just want to ride her better so everyone else can see what a nice horse she is as well.
Life is hard and a bit lonely. I miss my ex, who was of course my best friend, but make a special effort to go and meet people, even though it adds to my already punishing schedule. Full time work and working the horses doesn't leave much time for anything else, and I really need to get the truck cleaned and about 6 loads of washing done before the weekend. Some days I start at 6am and literally don't stop until 2 for a break, especially now I'm trying to get a horse worked between the end of milking and the mating of the heifers and feeding out Palm Kernal to the cows. Though I think I'm losing some weight which is a bonus. Being on the farm is of itself quite lonely, because there just aren't a lot of people around, and I do miss the social interaction. That and being dumped has left me breathless, even after 4 months, so to lose myself in the riding and work isn't always a bad thing.
I'm scared also though. I'm really truly scared. It was a little bit after this time last year that my depression started spiraling out of control, and I'm so afraid it's going to happen again, despite the drugs and everything. I don't want to go to pieces again and I don't want to feel worthless and that everyone would be better off without me again. I don't want to go back into that black hole where nothing means anything, and you feel nothing but numb. I'm doing so well. So well so far despite the fact that 2010 is definitely a year I wont be sad to see the back of.
Still the schedule is as follows- Central Hawkes bay next fri/sat
- Wanganui next sun
- Gladstone sports- following sat (I hope to have Bill at this one)
- North Islands following fri-sun
- A rest! Not for me I'll be working but for the horses, because I don't want to jump indoors at Feilding. I may pick up a small local show if there is one.
- Taupo Christmas Classic 16th-19th- Connies first 1.20m!
Please let me have got more organised and be jumping clears at the bigger heights. Woot.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Manawatu A+P
$84 dollars in entries, which left me in a hard place really when I realized the surface was concrete like in places. I hate jumping on hard surfaces, and I really feel like more needs to be done now by the shows to have good surfaces. It was a pretty basic looking 1.10m class to start with, that walked ok but caused a fair bit of carnage. Some very good horses had high faulting rounds, and Connie and I were the first clear round and I was the 11th rider in. Kate had a really naughty stop at fence three which did have an ugly fill, but it wasn't a necessary stop. After a smack though she flew over everything. It was awful riding Kate in that arena what with the farrier competition, the alpacas, and the lumber jacks she wasn't sure where to look. Still no rails down, but I was disappointed with the stop.
Connie was next in the jump-off for that class and as a late entry I was the first to go. I have never been first to go in a call back jump-off, but knowing Connie isn't particularly fast across the ground or good at turning, I just tried to be as economical and smooth as possible. She was clear again and then I just had to wait. There were other clears and I held the lead until the last horse went in and jumped a really good jump-off as well. But when the results were announced it was little C horse who got her first proper registered win. Such a good pony.
Then it was the amateur. As my nominated horse, Kate was first and I hoped she would be a bit better. She jumped well to start with but then stopped again at the wall despite an aggressive ride to it. My friend said I was a half stride out but she is hard to place to a spooky fence anyway because she backs off of them. She also said it was a naughty stop. Again she finished really strongly and again she didn't have any rails so to be that close to a clear round in the amateurs and getting some points is starting to get a bit frustrating. She was quite hot and running through the bridle and I do wonder if she wasn't that comfortable on the ground.
Connie jumped well in the amateur, but I rode like a bunny into the second double and was way to quiet. She hit the first rail hard and I pulled her out of the double for 8 faults but she finished really strongly despite being pretty poked. She really prefers to be a one round a day pony. Then everyone got their legs poulticed. I guess I have a few things to think about now. Do I change Kates bit, possibly to a french link? Am I doing too much with them? Though I see the same horses every weekend so perhaps not. I try to be as easy on them as I can but ultimately they do have a job to do. Central Hawkes Bay starts on Friday and if the feel tired in their first class that day I will pull them out. To be fair they don't get worked very hard between shows at the moment.
Oh I really want some clear rounds over the bigger heights. All these 4 fault rounds. Sigh. I hope it was just the ground or the atmosphere with Kate and that she will be happier the coming weekend.
Connie was next in the jump-off for that class and as a late entry I was the first to go. I have never been first to go in a call back jump-off, but knowing Connie isn't particularly fast across the ground or good at turning, I just tried to be as economical and smooth as possible. She was clear again and then I just had to wait. There were other clears and I held the lead until the last horse went in and jumped a really good jump-off as well. But when the results were announced it was little C horse who got her first proper registered win. Such a good pony.
Then it was the amateur. As my nominated horse, Kate was first and I hoped she would be a bit better. She jumped well to start with but then stopped again at the wall despite an aggressive ride to it. My friend said I was a half stride out but she is hard to place to a spooky fence anyway because she backs off of them. She also said it was a naughty stop. Again she finished really strongly and again she didn't have any rails so to be that close to a clear round in the amateurs and getting some points is starting to get a bit frustrating. She was quite hot and running through the bridle and I do wonder if she wasn't that comfortable on the ground.
Connie jumped well in the amateur, but I rode like a bunny into the second double and was way to quiet. She hit the first rail hard and I pulled her out of the double for 8 faults but she finished really strongly despite being pretty poked. She really prefers to be a one round a day pony. Then everyone got their legs poulticed. I guess I have a few things to think about now. Do I change Kates bit, possibly to a french link? Am I doing too much with them? Though I see the same horses every weekend so perhaps not. I try to be as easy on them as I can but ultimately they do have a job to do. Central Hawkes Bay starts on Friday and if the feel tired in their first class that day I will pull them out. To be fair they don't get worked very hard between shows at the moment.
Oh I really want some clear rounds over the bigger heights. All these 4 fault rounds. Sigh. I hope it was just the ground or the atmosphere with Kate and that she will be happier the coming weekend.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Manawatu A+P
I was going to have a rest weekend, but with my friend going past with room for Connie and Kate I couldn't resist so I'm going over just for the Sunday. Wish me luck.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wairarapa A&P Show- Day 3
An interesting day thats for sure. didn't get the results i wanted but figured out a few things. Rascal was first up in the worlds cutest 90cm class. She started out a little hesitant but by fence 3 was really swinging along and I was like sweet as. Then down the double she added a third stride and I got a little ahead of her, and boom her confidence was gone and she was hesitant again and then had two stops at a fence, before I trotted into it, and then after that she finished well. Obviously when Kim went over her head jumping ahead of her it frightened her more than I realised. So I'll keep it really small 80-90cm rage for a while longer and see how it goes. She is too nice of a horse to give up on. If not I may go on to do some dressage with her, there must be something she can do and enjoy and be good at.
Had the amateur on Kate and Connie. I don't know why this class makes me nervous, I guess because I want some freaking series points. I rode Kate super shithouse. Started ok but I'm just getting her way to deep into the uprights, whereas she needs more room and prefers a longer spot, so three rails. But I still don't quite trust her at the higher heights. Next show I hope. Connie blew me away. She jumped so well in what was by far her biggest track and cantering into the last I was so excited but she bludged the last rail. Bless her. I was rapt with that though.
Thank jeebers that after 6 weeks with a show every weekend I have a fortnight before the next one, so will have some time to do some actual training/schooling which I'm sorely in need of now. Next is Central Hawkes Bay and Wanganui.
Had the amateur on Kate and Connie. I don't know why this class makes me nervous, I guess because I want some freaking series points. I rode Kate super shithouse. Started ok but I'm just getting her way to deep into the uprights, whereas she needs more room and prefers a longer spot, so three rails. But I still don't quite trust her at the higher heights. Next show I hope. Connie blew me away. She jumped so well in what was by far her biggest track and cantering into the last I was so excited but she bludged the last rail. Bless her. I was rapt with that though.
Thank jeebers that after 6 weeks with a show every weekend I have a fortnight before the next one, so will have some time to do some actual training/schooling which I'm sorely in need of now. Next is Central Hawkes Bay and Wanganui.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wairarapa A&P Show- Day 2
Rascal is definitely just getting hissed at. Token feed for you pig horse. I just don't make any progress with her. Last attempt tomorrow or I'm just going to sack her and then hunt her come winter time. Kate was clear in the 1.10m class and doing a super jump-off until I didn't commit enough to the tight angles line over the oxer. whoops! We had a stop but finished well. such a good round though if I hadn't duffed it I might have won a rug. Connie had a rail at the same fence in the jump-off. They jumped super and got fed. Kate was in the 1.20m and it was a small one but still I was packing myself. And then the two riders before me both feel off. I didn't ride my best and she felt a bit flat but I was still pretty happy with my 3 rails and a circle. (I circled off of a bad spot but as I'd had a rail it didn't matter). First time in like 7 years that I jumped a 1.20m so thats pretty freaking cool. Love it.
Rascal 90cms tomorrow and I'll give her So Kalm paste and see if the problem is an anxiety one. And Connie and Kate both do the amateur. It will be Connies biggest track ever so fingers crossed.
Rascal 90cms tomorrow and I'll give her So Kalm paste and see if the problem is an anxiety one. And Connie and Kate both do the amateur. It will be Connies biggest track ever so fingers crossed.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wairarapa A&P Show- Day 1
Ahh a good day. Have I ever said how much I don't like the local shows?? So much petty political bollocks. Mostly I miss it because I'm a nobody but as I improve I'm sure that will change. Already I learn a lot about myself from the gossip mill. Apparently I only do the occasional show and don't really follow the circuit. Say what? I've been everywhere and the season has only been going 8 weeks.
Anyway Rascal was bucking in the warm-up and spooking and by the time I got her working ok her class had closed. Boo! But really a little glad. Should have had her in the earlier smaller class anyway and would have had more time. But with milking I try to do the later classes so I actually get to them. I was rushed getting to Kate and arrived at the ring in a bit of a tizz. Had I mentioned that she has been sound? no abscess, a puncture wound that is healing really quickly. I over rode the first fence and had a rail, mostly because she was so spooky at he practice fence. Then had a really nice canter down to fence 2 and popped over and breathed this huge sigh of relief and though " It's Kate, no panic" And then she jumped super. Bless.
Connie came out slightly mad and the ground is hard s she may not do the whole show because of them all she feels the ground. Jumped super though. Gave her a much better ride than Kate and had a really lovely smooth clear round. Totally vindicated myself about how if you focus on the canter and doing the job, the smoothness just happens on it's own. 2 rails in the jump-off. Everytime I try turn her tight I lose the canter and get a poppy jump so really need to work on that. She was super down the double though and felt really good. so Kate and Connie can be fed tonight and Rascal I will just hiss at. I kid! I kid! Poor old Rascal she will be better tomorrow.
Anyway Rascal was bucking in the warm-up and spooking and by the time I got her working ok her class had closed. Boo! But really a little glad. Should have had her in the earlier smaller class anyway and would have had more time. But with milking I try to do the later classes so I actually get to them. I was rushed getting to Kate and arrived at the ring in a bit of a tizz. Had I mentioned that she has been sound? no abscess, a puncture wound that is healing really quickly. I over rode the first fence and had a rail, mostly because she was so spooky at he practice fence. Then had a really nice canter down to fence 2 and popped over and breathed this huge sigh of relief and though " It's Kate, no panic" And then she jumped super. Bless.
Connie came out slightly mad and the ground is hard s she may not do the whole show because of them all she feels the ground. Jumped super though. Gave her a much better ride than Kate and had a really lovely smooth clear round. Totally vindicated myself about how if you focus on the canter and doing the job, the smoothness just happens on it's own. 2 rails in the jump-off. Everytime I try turn her tight I lose the canter and get a poppy jump so really need to work on that. She was super down the double though and felt really good. so Kate and Connie can be fed tonight and Rascal I will just hiss at. I kid! I kid! Poor old Rascal she will be better tomorrow.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wairarapa SJ and SH Championships.

Ah well I can't complain. C horse jumped really well. It's just a few little issues related to me getting the right canter. The first day we had a really nice round with the silly mistake in the video when I rode up too much. Today in the 1.10m I had a really nice round where she jumped super nicely but took the rail into the first double. Possibly because I over rode it a bit but she could have cleared it. i think I need to be putting on a little more leg on the base as well.

The it was the 1.15m speed. she was sticky to start off with- wanted to spook at one and then I lost too much forward on the first corner and popped 2. Had the rail at 3 when I didn't quite have the line right but finished really strongly so that's all good. Kate so ignores what I do mostly while Connie is so sensitive to me not having my body tall enough and the like. It's funny to that with all the big tracks I have been riding Kate in I'm a little less confident on Connie, they are so different to ride. Still can't complain at all really, the weather was fabulous which never happens at this show. Must rain next weekend at the Wairarapa A+P then!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
1.10m class from today
Yes I know the rail is my fault, what a good miss and why? because I went spot hunting. The extra stride in the double was my fault too because I let the canter get too quiet and fussy. Still rapt with how she jumped.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Jumping at Gisborne, disapoointment and a show season that keeps on trucking

Ok so the second day at Gisborne and Kate did the 1.15m and the Amateur class which was run over the exact same track. It was my first 1.15m in years so I duffed it a bit to be honest. I needed to let her flow more and create more canter to make up for the sticky trappiness of the ground to help her get over the fences so I had three rails. Dumb dumb dumb. These are basic mistakes but with the increase in height I can't get away with them anymore.

I was first into the amateur because I was a late entry. Started well didn't get the canter going after fence one, came round the crner didn't see my spot tried to make one by collecting more on my already small canter and basically pulled her up. I was gutted. Kate really needs me to make the decision and get her there and be totally committed. It's all a learning curve I guess. Left all of the rails up too and with only five in the jump-off
I would have gotten some amateur series points. I have gotten so ribbon hungry I need to go back to focusing on jumping nice clears lol!

Rascal did the saddle hunters the same day and it was a disaster. The groom found she had untied her self and left her untied so she rolled and she was so clean and plaited. Then when she got over there she was so happy to be out of her yard and itchy from her coat that just decided to shift she spent all of the canter just bounding around and after one class I gave up and went and had a drink.

The disappointment? Kate is lame on her other fore hoof. Not the one she had the abscess in but the other one. I think it might be a penetrating injury this time, but haven't had a chance to have a good dig at it. I followed the track up and couldn't find any pus but it would be my luck to have another abscess just as I am looking at doing my first 1.20m next next weekend. And she is my best most competitive horse (sorry Connie)

Still Wairarapa Showjumping and Showhunter champs this weekend. Rascal is Showhuntering and doing a 90cm on Monday while Connie will probably just do the 1.10m. If she does the first one super I will be really tempted to do the amateur on her but I really don't think she is quite there yet. She hasn't had a consistent run of classes yet what with injury etc. I would be so rapt if Kate was sound for the weekend after that which is the Wairarapa A+P which has a ring 2 1.20m and I know they build nicely there. Boo hiss. Still I guess there is always the next show. Which I haven't entered yet to be honest.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Gisborne= FUBAR
Map of our trip so it makes more sense to people
Blue dot- Woodhill, Green dot- Te Teko (stayed 5 mins from green dot most of the time, Red dot -Gisborne

We knew leaving to Gisborne that the forecast was for high winds and heavy rain overnight but it was only an hour into the trip that we hit the rain. That and the flooded paddocks were something of a clue that it had been wet lately. On stopping in at a service station I found at that it had been raining for 3 days but not as much as that. Once we arrived we were told that it was set to improve but the torrential downpour just continued. We shored up the yards with woodchips but by the next morning they were nearly underwater and turning into a bog. Thankfully at the end of the first day I pinched some drier yards and the ponies were much happier.

The puddle at the bottom of the ramp
So arriving at midday on Wednesday we set up and then hid from the rain mostly. We didn't do our showhunter practice rounds but I never intended to ran Rascal anyway as the show hunter was set a little beyond what she is up to at the moment. The next morning when we woke to more rain we waited with bated breath for the announcement and at 7.30 it came that all horse events were canceled bar the showhunter which was in the indoor.

Connies lake
It was a miserable miserable day- long wet and endless. Being 5 kms out of town there was no chance of going in for entertainment really in that weather. I for one at this point was all for leaving. The road South to Napier however was blocked by slips and the road back the way we came was down to one lane. In fact two trucks did go back that day and got turned back by flooding before a slip came down trapping them. The horses spent the night in a farmers cattleyards and the riders spent the night helping the farmer pull sheep out of the floodwater. So really there was no hope of us going anywhere, we were effectively trapped. In Gisborne. In a slightly leaky horse truck in some of the worst weather I have experienced.

Oh lucky Kate! Favouritism much??
Kate got my solo indoor yard as she is jumping the biggest. So she wasn't so unhappy but the water caused small cuts on Connies legs to get infected and she blew up in her left fore effectively ending her show. Such that it was anyway! Thursday the roads remained closed and we sat and waited for time to pass basically. We borrowed a car and I brought an armload of magazines.

The ring 2 lake
I wish I could explain just how much it sucked. We would have left if we hadn't been so stuck. The rain was torrential. The Friday was sunny with only showers coming over in the evening but the ground was sodden. A reduced class list ran and Kate got out of her box for a couple of classes. I'll talk about that later. I was keen to ride Friday and my friend was keen to leave but again we were still stuck so we made the best of it.

The water jump/ lake
The Saturday was grand prix day and only my friends grand prix horse ran. I was seriously tempted by the 1.15m for Kate but the ground had started to dry a bit so not only was it wet and slippery but also sucky and very deep and hard work for the horses. There is heaps of jumping to come this season so I won't really worry about it too much. Thankfully the roads were open and we could make the 8 hour trip home. There was significant slip damage on the trip. So glad to be home. So glad.
Blue dot- Woodhill, Green dot- Te Teko (stayed 5 mins from green dot most of the time, Red dot -Gisborne
We knew leaving to Gisborne that the forecast was for high winds and heavy rain overnight but it was only an hour into the trip that we hit the rain. That and the flooded paddocks were something of a clue that it had been wet lately. On stopping in at a service station I found at that it had been raining for 3 days but not as much as that. Once we arrived we were told that it was set to improve but the torrential downpour just continued. We shored up the yards with woodchips but by the next morning they were nearly underwater and turning into a bog. Thankfully at the end of the first day I pinched some drier yards and the ponies were much happier.

The puddle at the bottom of the ramp
So arriving at midday on Wednesday we set up and then hid from the rain mostly. We didn't do our showhunter practice rounds but I never intended to ran Rascal anyway as the show hunter was set a little beyond what she is up to at the moment. The next morning when we woke to more rain we waited with bated breath for the announcement and at 7.30 it came that all horse events were canceled bar the showhunter which was in the indoor.

Connies lake
It was a miserable miserable day- long wet and endless. Being 5 kms out of town there was no chance of going in for entertainment really in that weather. I for one at this point was all for leaving. The road South to Napier however was blocked by slips and the road back the way we came was down to one lane. In fact two trucks did go back that day and got turned back by flooding before a slip came down trapping them. The horses spent the night in a farmers cattleyards and the riders spent the night helping the farmer pull sheep out of the floodwater. So really there was no hope of us going anywhere, we were effectively trapped. In Gisborne. In a slightly leaky horse truck in some of the worst weather I have experienced.

Oh lucky Kate! Favouritism much??
Kate got my solo indoor yard as she is jumping the biggest. So she wasn't so unhappy but the water caused small cuts on Connies legs to get infected and she blew up in her left fore effectively ending her show. Such that it was anyway! Thursday the roads remained closed and we sat and waited for time to pass basically. We borrowed a car and I brought an armload of magazines.

The ring 2 lake
I wish I could explain just how much it sucked. We would have left if we hadn't been so stuck. The rain was torrential. The Friday was sunny with only showers coming over in the evening but the ground was sodden. A reduced class list ran and Kate got out of her box for a couple of classes. I'll talk about that later. I was keen to ride Friday and my friend was keen to leave but again we were still stuck so we made the best of it.

The water jump/ lake
The Saturday was grand prix day and only my friends grand prix horse ran. I was seriously tempted by the 1.15m for Kate but the ground had started to dry a bit so not only was it wet and slippery but also sucky and very deep and hard work for the horses. There is heaps of jumping to come this season so I won't really worry about it too much. Thankfully the roads were open and we could make the 8 hour trip home. There was significant slip damage on the trip. So glad to be home. So glad.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Te Teko Show
Te Teko went really well. Connie and Kate were both in the 1.10m-1.15m welcome stakes. They both jumped really well, Kate was fourth and Connie was seventh so that was really good. The next day was the table C 1.10m class which was just a speed round. I went for it a bit with Kate but got too backwards and didn't ride forwards enough to do any good and had two rails. On Connie I took it slower and jumped a clear round but it was pretty ugly. She was really behind the leg and trying to duck out of the fences. The next day I found some soreness in the foot she had had the abscess in so she didn't run at all on Sunday. Kate jumped the amateur which was a decent sized track with plenty of full sized 1.20m fences in it. It was also very spooky with two walls, lots of fill and two combinations.
My friend had course walked with me and developed a strategy with the lines which was good. Most of them I really had to ride down to get there. So it was good to be the opposite of the day before when I had gotten too backwards. She had a moment when she hesitated going into the first combination. I'm not even really sure why it was scary but lots of horses spooked or had trouble in there. She jumped out so big I was jumped out of the saddle a bit but managed to get organised. Just duffed the last related line a bit because I should have moved up sooner so then I could have waited for the last two strides to give her a better chance of jumping into the final double, so had a rail at the oxer that was the first fence of the double.
Rascal did two 70cm practice rounds on the Friday and had one stop at the double I think, but on Saturday did a clear 80cm round and on the Sunday jumped a clear 90cm round so she is starting to feel a lot more confident and happy with her jumping. So mostly a very good show. I'm rapt Connie placed and jumped a double clear the first day.
My friend had course walked with me and developed a strategy with the lines which was good. Most of them I really had to ride down to get there. So it was good to be the opposite of the day before when I had gotten too backwards. She had a moment when she hesitated going into the first combination. I'm not even really sure why it was scary but lots of horses spooked or had trouble in there. She jumped out so big I was jumped out of the saddle a bit but managed to get organised. Just duffed the last related line a bit because I should have moved up sooner so then I could have waited for the last two strides to give her a better chance of jumping into the final double, so had a rail at the oxer that was the first fence of the double.
Rascal did two 70cm practice rounds on the Friday and had one stop at the double I think, but on Saturday did a clear 80cm round and on the Sunday jumped a clear 90cm round so she is starting to feel a lot more confident and happy with her jumping. So mostly a very good show. I'm rapt Connie placed and jumped a double clear the first day.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
New Personal Best
I cleared my highest fence ever yesterday while slightly inebriated on the C horse. I'm on holiday so it's ok to be drinking. 142cm. It was only the second part of a double and the back rail of an ascending oxer but still it was scary watching it grow as I cantered in haha. Who knew my fat little andalusian could ever jump that high. Not me!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Woodhill Sands
I have no pictures!! Ahhh! 10 and a half hours in the truck of travelling meant the horses got off the truck a little poked. And what awaited us? The outdoor yards where mud pits. Poor ponies. We sawdusted the worst ones that night and did the rest in the morning but for 20 bucks you expect a little more. The surface though was beautiful. It looks like they just scraped the top surface off and got this amazing sand base the lucky beggars.
The other bad point as it really didn't seem as friendly as the more local shows. The warm ups were horrendous fighting through everyone who thinks they are somebody and wont give way. Still I nearly ran someone down when I was late for a class so who am I to talk. Still the weather was fabulous and I'm a wee red lobster which is more than I can say about home because as we left home it looked all flooded again.
Anyway, Rascal was a pig the first day. Warmed up really well got into the ring jumped around until three and then at 4 wasn't having a bar of it and got eliminated. Grrr. It's not even like I didn't give her every chance. Anyway, Kate came out for her 1.05m and she was awesomwe! But I turned the wrong way for my finish flags and boom 4 faults. Walk your courses people. Rookie rookie mistake. Still it felt awesome. I'm riding like the rider I used to be. I'm nervous but contained. I'm confident and able to sort my mistakes and my eye is back so hurraH. It's been years since I rode like I did this weekend. Kate was double clear in the 1.10 and it was a big spooky track. I think finally Kate and I are developing a relationship. She never used to want me to pat her but now we have cuddles and stuff. Still I'm cantering down to fences and I have to tell myself to trust her but we have come a long way.
The next day Rascal came out for showhunters dressed up in all the right gear and you should have seen the looks on peoples faces. Canter canter-stop- whack whack- awkward jump. I horrified the poor showhunters, but after the practice round she started to feel confident again. She jumped three showhunter rounds and she only felt looky in one of them so thats awesome. \the judge must of liked her because she was third and fourth in the first two classes, despite missing a lead but I guess she didn't see?
Then I had to literally blast down to the truck, rip her gear off, drag Kate up saddle her up and canter back to the ring, over one practice fence and rode last in the 1.05m class. She was good though and came through for me despite that and we jumped a good round to finish third. The 1.10m I was fifth to ride so basically went straight back in. \she saved me at the third because I was a mile off of it and though she hesitated she took the big leap. I need to let her travel a bit more down her related lines. Still she jumped off well and was fifth in that class out of 70! Man she was just unreal. She is such a good good horse. I just want to bundle her up and hug her haha! She would hate that though. I was done by lunchtime. Then after the GP back on the truck and we landed at my Aunties place which is down the road from Te Teko show about 10pm. \the horses are currently sunbathing in the sun. I rode Connie earlier and it was a bit Mr Toads wild ride but she is overfed and underworked. 1.15ms nest weekend guys. |Can we do it?? I'm not actually that sure, but if the first class goes well I'm stepping Kate up to the amateurs
The other bad point as it really didn't seem as friendly as the more local shows. The warm ups were horrendous fighting through everyone who thinks they are somebody and wont give way. Still I nearly ran someone down when I was late for a class so who am I to talk. Still the weather was fabulous and I'm a wee red lobster which is more than I can say about home because as we left home it looked all flooded again.
Anyway, Rascal was a pig the first day. Warmed up really well got into the ring jumped around until three and then at 4 wasn't having a bar of it and got eliminated. Grrr. It's not even like I didn't give her every chance. Anyway, Kate came out for her 1.05m and she was awesomwe! But I turned the wrong way for my finish flags and boom 4 faults. Walk your courses people. Rookie rookie mistake. Still it felt awesome. I'm riding like the rider I used to be. I'm nervous but contained. I'm confident and able to sort my mistakes and my eye is back so hurraH. It's been years since I rode like I did this weekend. Kate was double clear in the 1.10 and it was a big spooky track. I think finally Kate and I are developing a relationship. She never used to want me to pat her but now we have cuddles and stuff. Still I'm cantering down to fences and I have to tell myself to trust her but we have come a long way.
The next day Rascal came out for showhunters dressed up in all the right gear and you should have seen the looks on peoples faces. Canter canter-stop- whack whack- awkward jump. I horrified the poor showhunters, but after the practice round she started to feel confident again. She jumped three showhunter rounds and she only felt looky in one of them so thats awesome. \the judge must of liked her because she was third and fourth in the first two classes, despite missing a lead but I guess she didn't see?
Then I had to literally blast down to the truck, rip her gear off, drag Kate up saddle her up and canter back to the ring, over one practice fence and rode last in the 1.05m class. She was good though and came through for me despite that and we jumped a good round to finish third. The 1.10m I was fifth to ride so basically went straight back in. \she saved me at the third because I was a mile off of it and though she hesitated she took the big leap. I need to let her travel a bit more down her related lines. Still she jumped off well and was fifth in that class out of 70! Man she was just unreal. She is such a good good horse. I just want to bundle her up and hug her haha! She would hate that though. I was done by lunchtime. Then after the GP back on the truck and we landed at my Aunties place which is down the road from Te Teko show about 10pm. \the horses are currently sunbathing in the sun. I rode Connie earlier and it was a bit Mr Toads wild ride but she is overfed and underworked. 1.15ms nest weekend guys. |Can we do it?? I'm not actually that sure, but if the first class goes well I'm stepping Kate up to the amateurs
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Pictures from Feilding
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Feilding Show. It's bitter-sweet.
I have pictures coming but I don't know when I'll so you will just have to cool your jets.
Anyway, we opted to only do one day of this show to save on the huge costs of yarding etc etc. The entries really are quite expensive at these Feilding shows. That and it was my friends birthday on Friday and we had to celebrate and I ended up working on Saturday anyway. So par for the course of this Spring it was pissing down at home with horizontal rain, but once we arrived it wasn't as bad and really there were only a few showers and at one point the sun even came out. We were parked on the car park though because the ground was so wet and there was actually nowhere to warm up properly which was very average. They did have a fence in the actual arena that you could pop over before starting but nowhere to have a nice trot and canter. Though I found a patch that was less wet to do that in. People in the indoor had a warm-up in there.
Kate was in the 1m and the 1.05m class. I would have been tempted to do the 1.10m but for our first show, and with Kate being a huge spook I wasn't that keen to do the 1.10m in the indoor lol. Anyway, The 1m class was a speed class and I did actually go for it which was nice. I don't have much control in the rubber snaffle she is in, but she doesn't bounce and bound in it. I'm never going to have super smooth rounds on Kate because she is hot so there no point worrying too much about the odd bound anyway. So it wasn't too bad, lacked a bit of flow and at one point I nearly got launched when I got her a bit deep and she just jumped huge, but it was certainly a fun round. by the end of the round I had some flow going and had a really nice run over the last three fences despite the tight lines. Kate was second in this which was nice.
I'm not sure they actually put the fences up for the 1.05m which seems a bit of a shame because a big 1.05m would have set me up quite nicely for 1.10m next week. She started out a bit sore over the foot she had the abscess in which sucks because she has been so so so sound lately. She did warm up out of it really quickly, and felt awesome over the practice fence. I would have most definitely pulled her from the class if this hadn't been the case. This time it was a round with an instant jump-off. clear in the first round which I was rapt about and then in the jump off i pushed her again. At one point I was coming in on a really tight angle and I can remember thinking that I had to trust her. Still it came off and she was double clear and was second in that class as well.
The bitter-sweet is that she is quite sore today and I guess some of the lime from the surface has irritated the old abscess site. I'm going to get a pad on that foot again in hopes of getting her sound for this trip away. Maybe it's mean but I have to try and get her sound. In somewhat happier news, Connie is improving soooo fast so I might take her away as well and even if she misses Woodhill there is always the other later shows, Connie is much less of a sook than Kate, she is tough and mean like me haha! Bill had a swollen leg today and another abscess burst which sucks for her and it did for me too when she was not keen to have some antibiotics. I had to twitch her in the end which worked perfectly, but when I went to put her cover on tonight, she wouldn't have a bar of me, so clearly I'm in the dogbox. Her problem though, she is the one with no cover on.
Anyway, we opted to only do one day of this show to save on the huge costs of yarding etc etc. The entries really are quite expensive at these Feilding shows. That and it was my friends birthday on Friday and we had to celebrate and I ended up working on Saturday anyway. So par for the course of this Spring it was pissing down at home with horizontal rain, but once we arrived it wasn't as bad and really there were only a few showers and at one point the sun even came out. We were parked on the car park though because the ground was so wet and there was actually nowhere to warm up properly which was very average. They did have a fence in the actual arena that you could pop over before starting but nowhere to have a nice trot and canter. Though I found a patch that was less wet to do that in. People in the indoor had a warm-up in there.
Kate was in the 1m and the 1.05m class. I would have been tempted to do the 1.10m but for our first show, and with Kate being a huge spook I wasn't that keen to do the 1.10m in the indoor lol. Anyway, The 1m class was a speed class and I did actually go for it which was nice. I don't have much control in the rubber snaffle she is in, but she doesn't bounce and bound in it. I'm never going to have super smooth rounds on Kate because she is hot so there no point worrying too much about the odd bound anyway. So it wasn't too bad, lacked a bit of flow and at one point I nearly got launched when I got her a bit deep and she just jumped huge, but it was certainly a fun round. by the end of the round I had some flow going and had a really nice run over the last three fences despite the tight lines. Kate was second in this which was nice.
I'm not sure they actually put the fences up for the 1.05m which seems a bit of a shame because a big 1.05m would have set me up quite nicely for 1.10m next week. She started out a bit sore over the foot she had the abscess in which sucks because she has been so so so sound lately. She did warm up out of it really quickly, and felt awesome over the practice fence. I would have most definitely pulled her from the class if this hadn't been the case. This time it was a round with an instant jump-off. clear in the first round which I was rapt about and then in the jump off i pushed her again. At one point I was coming in on a really tight angle and I can remember thinking that I had to trust her. Still it came off and she was double clear and was second in that class as well.
The bitter-sweet is that she is quite sore today and I guess some of the lime from the surface has irritated the old abscess site. I'm going to get a pad on that foot again in hopes of getting her sound for this trip away. Maybe it's mean but I have to try and get her sound. In somewhat happier news, Connie is improving soooo fast so I might take her away as well and even if she misses Woodhill there is always the other later shows, Connie is much less of a sook than Kate, she is tough and mean like me haha! Bill had a swollen leg today and another abscess burst which sucks for her and it did for me too when she was not keen to have some antibiotics. I had to twitch her in the end which worked perfectly, but when I went to put her cover on tonight, she wouldn't have a bar of me, so clearly I'm in the dogbox. Her problem though, she is the one with no cover on.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
2 Sound horses!

Latest picture of Bills leg (Have I posted this already?)
Yess! Rascal is good to go, so mini upper North Island tour here we come. Well next week anyway. This week I'm at Fielding on the Sunday with Kate doing the 1m and the 1.05m. All of this dealing with feet has me pondering hooves and whether or not I could change my system to make it better for soundness. Though I have never had it this bad before. The mud and surface water is just unreal and there is nowhere dry for them really. Connie and Bill are gazing our driveway for an hour each day and that dries their feet and then I can get in and treat their feet.
I often wonder if shoes are the way to go, especially with more and more barefoot horses competing. However, they still aren't in the upper levels of my sport, and there really isn't a boot option that provides the traction that shoes and studs offer. I haven't ever had a problem with studs injuring horses, be it soft tissue injuries or standing on themselves. I often don't stud when the ground is good but I know that they make such a huge difference when the ground is really really wet and heavy or really really hard- especially if the hard has a bit of long green grass on it with a bit of dew. I think that is the slipperiest condition that exists.
I think I will show on a surface three or four times this year, and being able to pick my stud set up means I can make sure my horses grip matches the ground conditions. All my horses have a break without shoes and as soon as I start riding them again they can't cope with the work on the tracks and roads, so they get shod. It was interesting that a study on the Kaimanawa wild horses showed that not all wild horses have good feet with many horses having evidence of founder and poorly shaped or formed feet. They live in wet conditions as well, and they think the spring pasture flush is responsible for the founder.
sometimes riding provides a conundrum. I love my horses but they aren't my pets, not really. I work really hard for them and provide the best life I can for them and in return their jobs are to be my riding horses/jumpers. I don't care if they don't like jumping I can find them another home/job, but if they don't suit or can't do the job well then I will move them on. I know I can keep them sound and provide good grip with shoes and studs, but I am aware that a natural foot is a healthier foot. Still, I do my best to make sure they are well shod and I love my farrier, he is a gem.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ok so in 11 days time I'm supposed to be going away travelling with the horses for two weeks but at this stage I have one sound horse. Is it worth that sort of travelling for one horse? And then if they do come right while I'm away no one will be there to ride them and I'll fall further behind. At the same time I'd love the holiday but with only one horse will be bored out of my brain. And it's so expensive to be away. Le sigh. You are killing me ladies with your lameness. Curse the weather and the fetlock deep mud and the never ending rain. It's starting to get a little down heartening.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Week late post about Pukahu

I don't know why I have been so slack about updating this but I sure have been. Anyway, We got to Hastings and it was pretty nice, a little overcast but warm for the Friday afternoon and the Saturday. The first class I rode was on Fido in the 90cm class (picture above). It was nice to have a small round to just have a start before going out into the bigger classes, because I could remember my breathing and the like. The courses where universally awful in ring 4, with the most ridiculous lines especially for the young horses but there you go. Nothing like a slog through a blog with a tight roll back up a hill to the double. Ahh lovely. Anyway, I had a rail in the jump-off on Fido. He really is a nice boy, despite the fact I don't ride him particularly well.
Connie was in the young rider/amateur 1.10m class and it was you know. Big. A very full sized 1.10m which I guess is to be expected haha! Anyway, I was very nervous and that but all weekend I got into the ring and completed my rounds so thats a huge improvement on last season when I was having those panic attacks. Anyway, she started quite well and jumped really well. I had a good miss into the double and had to jump in huge which meant she was a little sticky with combinations after that. And I sort of lost my organization. I felt like a was chasing my spots and not really getting to the fences. What it partly was, was that Connie stopped paying attention and mooned around and wasn't locking onto the fences really. That and I was collapsing a bit in the last three strides in my upper body. So we had one rail and I landed all disorganised and so I circled and sorted my life out and finished well over the final oxer.
The next day I had the 1m on Fido and had three rails which were purely me riding like a little pony club eventer and chasing my spots. I really need to learn to wait because I get worried the spot isn't going to be there and move up and so I lose it. I need to cool my jets a bit. Anyway, it was a really crappy day and it was really raining in the morning but had mostly cleared by about 11. In the first 1.10m Connie seemed more focused but I stuffed up because I went to move up and lost my spot so I just circled away and did it properly and would have had a clear round if I hadn't made that mistake. Still She was a bit sticky into the double and I still felt like I wasn't quite getting it done. I guess what it was was that it just wasn't flowing.
Anyway, in the Amateur class (which was really small thank goodness) which is 1.10m-1.15m I had a much shorter warm up and was a lot tougher on her. She didn't really lock on to fence one and I should have been a bit tougher before hand about making her focused and she took that rail. She was slow off of the ground for fence 2 as well, but sort of got going a bit more after that. I gave her a few whacks before the double and she actually jumped in boldly and confidently for the first time.

She jumped really well though and I felt good because I was pro-active rather tha reactive. Anyway, after fence 8 which was a big spooky oxer, I was like yay this is fun! Had the last rail because I was a bit casual about it- should have used more leg on take-off. Never mind though I was rapt because it felt really good.

So I need to learn to wait more to the fence, but ride more positively and stay more upright in my body in the last strides before the fence to help her stay balanced and off the base of the fences. Bad news though because she is now lame. I' not sure if she just has some bruising on her sole or an abscess brewing but I do say boo hiss to that. Not cool seeing as I had just started the season. Fingers crossed she is better soon. Still Kate is now sound, Rascal will be soon and even Bill is nearly sound again. Now if only it would stop raining so that I could actually ride them that would be nice. It's even too windy to travel them out to other locations. Feilding in a week. I doubt Connie will be there for her indoor debut, but Kate has two classes on the Sunday on the outdoor surface and her first show of the season.
Monday, September 6, 2010
What a day

Gah what a day. Obviously the north Island felt left out what with all the South Island's Earthquakes so we got hit with a full on legitimate flood. That blurry picture is my dad up to the tops of his gumboots inside the pit in the cowshed. The water was running in so fast that even with two pumps working we were losing ground, and neither of us wanted wet boots. We even opened up drains that are normally closed off and still we we were slowly getting flooded in. Walking in water constantly is tiring! I was working up a sweat despite all the water around. Halfway through milking Dad rang Mum and her and I milked we he stood at the end of the pit and bailed it out with a bucket. Seriously, like we were in some rickety sort of a boat there. And Mum could only work at one end, because she is a little lady and her boots don't go up as high, and she couldn't venture into the deeps. Eventually though we had battled through that.
Mum and I took a trip to the store and the flooding around was just unbelievable. At one point we thought we were going to have to shift the calves into the woolshed, because a torrent was only 9 paces from the front of our new shed. It was unreal. Luckily about 2pm the rain slowed to showers and the water backed off pretty fast, though some roads are still closed.
Back to work than, and thank goodness for my Kaiwaka wet weather gear. Expensive yes, but awesome? Double yes.And it lasts awesome. Anyway, back from my product placement, then there was a dead cow in the drain after the night paddock. Luckily, it was only a pretty shit one, and not one of the favourites but it is still a blow. Still too not lose one in this weather would have been some kind of a miracle. On a side note, my beloved 119 who has calving paralysis is still down after 14 days, but her appetite is still good, so while she keeps trying I'll keep looking after her. I really don't want to lose her. She is loving the horse feed I'm giving her with a huge dollop of molasses. Then the cows where just contrary to deal with. They don't like the bad weather either but come on girls I'm trying to help here. I must have fallen over six or seven times chasing them and got covered in mud. At one point I did what all exhausted frustrated tough as farm girls do and cried my face off. And then got back to work and got everything sorted out.
So while comfortably relaxing with an after a crap day drink- apple sourz and cranberry mmmm- my mother came in with a gem of a piece of news. Dear old Bill had crossed the lake in her paddock where the culvert had blocked, that no horse in it's right mind would cross and was now stuck on a little piece of land in the corner against the road. AAAHHHHH! I took her cover off and sent her back into the lake and it was going well and she was nearly back across when she really proved the moniker "Dumbblood" and turned where the fence was underwater and tried to cross it. Crunch! (she has only been living in that paddock for a couple of months). Luckily with being dumb she is also tough and has not a scratch on her. She swam back to shore- such that it is- and snorted at me. Friggen horse. So back into the ute, back to the house for tools and I dismantled the road fence, stepped her out over the rails and put her back in the other side (with her cover back on of course) and closed a gate so she should be safe and sound. I was oh so tempted to leave her there being tired, but at the same time I can't afford to lose her, and could never deal with that sort of guilt for being lazy. Still all is well that ends well. Back home for my second what a hell of a day drink and then bed. Jeebers, and then we do it all again tomorrow.
Friday, September 3, 2010
A week to go!
This time next week I will have completed my first class for this season and will hopefully be enjoying a beer and basking in good round happiness lol. I have never felt more prepared going into the season than this year but still it's safe to say I'm feeling pretty nervous. Connie has been jumping super as soon as the fences go up so I can't worry about that. I am a bit worried she is going to go lame on me lol. Kate and Rascal are improving and look to be about a week away before starting work again. Their first show will be Woodhill sands in Auckland.
This season I really want to start to develop a better method for managing my nerves and general show anxiety, while improving my focus. this first show I plan to take a minute before I get on, listen to a song that gets me going and mentally ride my course a few times so I understand exactly what I need to do. I need to trust Connie's scope as well. She has heaps of power for what she will be jumping so it will be all good, I just need to go out there and get the job done. For me completing the classes I'm in for three rails or less will be a success, so needless to say the bar isn't set too high.
Gah it was another long day on the farm again. I'm so locked up between my shoulder blades from work. I would kill for a massage. Thankfully, my friend has a temporary groom who is also an osteopath. Win! Also today I went over to the big city and dropped money on clothes. The first time I have done so in over two years. Silly really to spend all that money on horses while I wear jeans with holes up the inner thigh and a fly that comes undone. So I'm happy to have some new things so I can be less scruffy. Then a hair cut the week after and I will be in top form in my project to get over my beak up. Thats not to say I don't wish every morning that he would text me, but life goes on and I have so much to DO! Not least fixing the buttons on my show coat. Oh it's probably going to be a hellishly wet show. Blerk! I'd like to get another jump in next week, but I don't really like my chances. Still I have done enough. Connie knows her job, she is fit, her schooling is right there and I know what I have to do. No problem right.
This season I really want to start to develop a better method for managing my nerves and general show anxiety, while improving my focus. this first show I plan to take a minute before I get on, listen to a song that gets me going and mentally ride my course a few times so I understand exactly what I need to do. I need to trust Connie's scope as well. She has heaps of power for what she will be jumping so it will be all good, I just need to go out there and get the job done. For me completing the classes I'm in for three rails or less will be a success, so needless to say the bar isn't set too high.
Gah it was another long day on the farm again. I'm so locked up between my shoulder blades from work. I would kill for a massage. Thankfully, my friend has a temporary groom who is also an osteopath. Win! Also today I went over to the big city and dropped money on clothes. The first time I have done so in over two years. Silly really to spend all that money on horses while I wear jeans with holes up the inner thigh and a fly that comes undone. So I'm happy to have some new things so I can be less scruffy. Then a hair cut the week after and I will be in top form in my project to get over my beak up. Thats not to say I don't wish every morning that he would text me, but life goes on and I have so much to DO! Not least fixing the buttons on my show coat. Oh it's probably going to be a hellishly wet show. Blerk! I'd like to get another jump in next week, but I don't really like my chances. Still I have done enough. Connie knows her job, she is fit, her schooling is right there and I know what I have to do. No problem right.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Adventure in the pipeline
So every season my good friend and I try to have some sort of adventurous trip away. In this way I have been to many shows I have never been to before- Gisborne, Te Teko, Rotorua, shows that are a bit beyond my traveling distance. But my friend has a beautiful truck that loves to travel and takes 7 horses, so we have come up with a doozey of an adventure for the start of this season. We are going to travel to Auckland for woodhill sands, then back to Te Teko and then on to Gisborne for three consecutive weekends! Hope to base ourselves in Whakatane. And then we get back and it will be the Labour weekend show and then the Wairarapa A&P show and then my horses will need a rest!
Feeling a bit battered from my rugged farming work and I desperately wish it would stop raining because myself, my family, the horses and the cows are all heartily sick of the mud. I'm so excited though. Still the first show is looming only 11 days away. AHHH! Hoping Connie meets me halfway on this one lol.
Feeling a bit battered from my rugged farming work and I desperately wish it would stop raining because myself, my family, the horses and the cows are all heartily sick of the mud. I'm so excited though. Still the first show is looming only 11 days away. AHHH! Hoping Connie meets me halfway on this one lol.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Dear Equestrian Sports New Zealand
AKA Daylight Robbers R US.
I did not quibble at the increasing price of registration fees this year, seeing as last year you told us that it was going to increase for the next three years. I still sent in my cheque for $589 that basically allows me to compete my horses in my desired discipline and doesn't do much else. I understand that money is used to increase the upper end of our sport and help our riders do well off shore. I don't quibble tat none of this money makes it to the grass roots of the sport as far as I can see, after 8 years on the local showjumping group committee. Apart from pretty identification papers and doing the insurance at shows, just what are you doing with all that money that it needs to increase at such a rate?? It was only a couple of years ago that the Bulletin was $40 and now that has increased by 50%. I did not quibble about any of these things.
But I'm quibbling about this. The cost of a name change has gone from $50 to $80. What in Gods green Earth is the extra 30 bucks needed for apart from revenue gathering?? I understand you want to keep the price high so people don't often change horses names, but jeebers isn't $50 bucks for you to change the name in the computer and print some stickers enough?? I had a horse that came to me once called Bobbit- you know like that woman who dismembered her husbands genitalia? Would you not want to be able to change that name?? Incidently I didn't change her name because her papers where for a gelding that was a year younger and I think Bill can attest to her mothers femaleness, I just registered her as a new horse.
I want to change Kate's name. I HATE Kate's show name, it's not her at all. But I don't know if I want to change it $80 much. I hate that the very federation that should be promoting our sport and encouraging members, is creating a weathly elitism in the sport. There are people that can not afford to do registered shows and that seems unfair that they don't a chance to play with the big boys. It used to be expensive, but it's getting ridiculous. It will get to the point where people just give up because the fees are too much on top of all the other costs involved with running an equine athlete.
Le sigh.
I did not quibble at the increasing price of registration fees this year, seeing as last year you told us that it was going to increase for the next three years. I still sent in my cheque for $589 that basically allows me to compete my horses in my desired discipline and doesn't do much else. I understand that money is used to increase the upper end of our sport and help our riders do well off shore. I don't quibble tat none of this money makes it to the grass roots of the sport as far as I can see, after 8 years on the local showjumping group committee. Apart from pretty identification papers and doing the insurance at shows, just what are you doing with all that money that it needs to increase at such a rate?? It was only a couple of years ago that the Bulletin was $40 and now that has increased by 50%. I did not quibble about any of these things.
But I'm quibbling about this. The cost of a name change has gone from $50 to $80. What in Gods green Earth is the extra 30 bucks needed for apart from revenue gathering?? I understand you want to keep the price high so people don't often change horses names, but jeebers isn't $50 bucks for you to change the name in the computer and print some stickers enough?? I had a horse that came to me once called Bobbit- you know like that woman who dismembered her husbands genitalia? Would you not want to be able to change that name?? Incidently I didn't change her name because her papers where for a gelding that was a year younger and I think Bill can attest to her mothers femaleness, I just registered her as a new horse.
I want to change Kate's name. I HATE Kate's show name, it's not her at all. But I don't know if I want to change it $80 much. I hate that the very federation that should be promoting our sport and encouraging members, is creating a weathly elitism in the sport. There are people that can not afford to do registered shows and that seems unfair that they don't a chance to play with the big boys. It used to be expensive, but it's getting ridiculous. It will get to the point where people just give up because the fees are too much on top of all the other costs involved with running an equine athlete.
Le sigh.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Team for 2010
So I thought I would introduce the team for 2010 even though you should know them by now! Still I guess it updates for the Newbies!
Connie- La Bella Vida

It seems strange to say but Connie starts the season at the head of the team. She is an 8yo 16.1hh Andalusian/TB that we bred ourselves because we had a mare and the stallion was both cheap and nearby. Connie is the first horse I have produced from a foal and I'm really pleased with her, she is such a nice girl. She is a little unorthodox in both her movement and her jump, but she is efficient and gets the job done. I can rely on her to try. And she isn't spooky or phased by much. She is a dragon in the yards and picks on the horses around her so I have to much she she is in the middle of the group. It's funny really because she is bottom of the hierarchy in the paddock, it's like she knows they can't get her. She can be a little lazy and most of my work with her involves getting her in front of the leg. If she makes it to the first show (what with my lameness issues with the wet conditions) she will be in the 1.10m class the first day and then the Amateur class which is 1.10m-1.15m. Fingers crossed!
Kate- Katie

Kate is an 11yr old 16.2 and a half hh TB mare of old school American breeding. She jumped to 1.30m with her previous owner and I have owned her for 15 months. I have jumped her to 1.10m and she is a super jumper. Her flat work has come a long way in our time together but I still don't trust her enough over feces. Still I think it will come together, we just need miles together. If she is over her abscess at the first show she will do the 1m class and the 1.10m on the first day and then another 1.10m class the next day. She needs a new showname though! I hate Katie. I'm thinking Kentucky Kate what with her dam being Kentucky Lady. Thoughts??
Rascal- Lynchberg SP

Rascal is a 7yo 16hh NZ sporthorse mare. She is a super cutie who loves the high life. being clean and eating and being a general princess. I brought her from her breeder 2 years ago. Her career has been riddled by injury but I'm optimistic that this season she will do a bit more. The goal is to get her going really nicely as a hunter and hopefully sell her off-shore. She is nice enough, I just need to overcome a little physical weakness and some confidence issues she has. If she goes to the first show she will be doing the 70cm hunter class and a 90cm class each day.
Bill- High Voltage

Bill is a 6yo Dutch Warmblood/TB mare out of my very favourite horse. She is really well bred and has lots of potential now I just have to get her out. She is broken in but after a massive injury to her back leg and now calving having started she will have to wait. I hope to have her out at some small shows before Christmas.
Fido- Trademark SP

A 7yo 16.1hh New Zealand sporthorse, he is by the same sire as Rascal. I don't own him but have him to kick around a few 1m classes for a while and I owe his owner so many favours because she has done so much for me, I can't say no really. He is an excellent field hunter and was really good around the farm and it's all more ring miles. I really need as many competition hours as I can get.
Connie- La Bella Vida

It seems strange to say but Connie starts the season at the head of the team. She is an 8yo 16.1hh Andalusian/TB that we bred ourselves because we had a mare and the stallion was both cheap and nearby. Connie is the first horse I have produced from a foal and I'm really pleased with her, she is such a nice girl. She is a little unorthodox in both her movement and her jump, but she is efficient and gets the job done. I can rely on her to try. And she isn't spooky or phased by much. She is a dragon in the yards and picks on the horses around her so I have to much she she is in the middle of the group. It's funny really because she is bottom of the hierarchy in the paddock, it's like she knows they can't get her. She can be a little lazy and most of my work with her involves getting her in front of the leg. If she makes it to the first show (what with my lameness issues with the wet conditions) she will be in the 1.10m class the first day and then the Amateur class which is 1.10m-1.15m. Fingers crossed!
Kate- Katie

Kate is an 11yr old 16.2 and a half hh TB mare of old school American breeding. She jumped to 1.30m with her previous owner and I have owned her for 15 months. I have jumped her to 1.10m and she is a super jumper. Her flat work has come a long way in our time together but I still don't trust her enough over feces. Still I think it will come together, we just need miles together. If she is over her abscess at the first show she will do the 1m class and the 1.10m on the first day and then another 1.10m class the next day. She needs a new showname though! I hate Katie. I'm thinking Kentucky Kate what with her dam being Kentucky Lady. Thoughts??
Rascal- Lynchberg SP

Rascal is a 7yo 16hh NZ sporthorse mare. She is a super cutie who loves the high life. being clean and eating and being a general princess. I brought her from her breeder 2 years ago. Her career has been riddled by injury but I'm optimistic that this season she will do a bit more. The goal is to get her going really nicely as a hunter and hopefully sell her off-shore. She is nice enough, I just need to overcome a little physical weakness and some confidence issues she has. If she goes to the first show she will be doing the 70cm hunter class and a 90cm class each day.
Bill- High Voltage

Bill is a 6yo Dutch Warmblood/TB mare out of my very favourite horse. She is really well bred and has lots of potential now I just have to get her out. She is broken in but after a massive injury to her back leg and now calving having started she will have to wait. I hope to have her out at some small shows before Christmas.
Fido- Trademark SP

A 7yo 16.1hh New Zealand sporthorse, he is by the same sire as Rascal. I don't own him but have him to kick around a few 1m classes for a while and I owe his owner so many favours because she has done so much for me, I can't say no really. He is an excellent field hunter and was really good around the farm and it's all more ring miles. I really need as many competition hours as I can get.
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